Logie – Dunearn Path

Dunearn path is in the Darnaway Forest and is about one mile south of Conicavel village, it is a circular route, part of which follows close to the River Findhorn. Be aware, the path in sections is very close to the edge of steep drops down to the river.

  • Accessibility: Suitable for a wide range of users

    The route is suitable for a wide range of users but the terrain might prove difficult for the less able.

  • Terrain: Forest tracks

    A mixture of woodland earth, aggregate and forest vehicle track. The path can be very wet and muddy in places, in winter time small sections of the path can be covered with leaves so making it very slippy.

  • Barriers: Some barriers

    A narrow footbridge and several wooden walkways with small sets of steps to negotiate.

  • Fully signed

Logie – Estate Paths

There are two dramatic river walks located on the Logie Estate within the beautiful Findhorn Valley, near the town of Forres. They start at the Logie Steading Visitor Centre, which houses the River Findhorn Heritage Centre, and has Arts and Crafts, Shopping, Walled Gardens, River Walks, an Adventure Playground and Café.

  • Unsuitable for wheelchairs and buggies
  • Terrain: Varied surfaces

    The paths are narrow and steep sided in places.

  • Fully signed

Logie – Sluie path

The path is a circular route through woodland, and the sections which follow the river Findhorn are very close to the cliff edge. The path is approximately three miles south of Forres.

  • Accessibility: Suitable for a wide range of users

    The route is suitable for a wide range of users but the terrain might prove difficult for the less able

  • Terrain: Forest tracks

    Mostly a woodland earth path with narrow aggregate sections, and rough vehicle tracks.

  • Gradient: Undulating

    Be aware the path is undulating and is close to steep cliffs at parts,

  • Barriers: Some barriers

    Many protruding tree roots crossing the path

  • Partly signed